Example Trade Alerts
symbol | direction | type | entry | exit | timeframe | status |

Our shorter term & longer term channel trading indicator will send out trade alerts to our members when the price is in the higher or lower band. There are two types of alerts, automatic and human verified. Most alerts need to be reviewed before taking an entry, to avoid a continuing loss either direction.
Our proprietary charting also can find and spot potential zones that the price may bounce or have resistance at. When these long term and intermediate prices touch, we will send out an alert so you can take a look at the company, price and potential forecast of the price.

Take a look at the example of NIKE chart, using trend lines alone we can find potential reversal areas where the price reversed from. Stop watching charts all day, and wait for our alert as price touches important trend lines or reversal areas.
Pro Trader Package
- Access Normal Indicator Alerts
- Access Premium Alerts (Human Verified)
- Access our indicators
- Download our IOS & Android Alert App.
- Automated indicator alerts on the 1 hr, 4 hr and a day charts
- Weekly broader market update videos
- Educational training videos
- Access the live chatroom w/ Video Feed